I started day #106 by having a QSO with RZ3DJ, Dmitry on 15m and then I worked two special event stations on the same band, both commemorating Yuri Gagarin’s first flight into space. The stations were RG50D and RG50F. Later I worked RV3GS, Slav on the same band. After that I switched over to 10m and worked 4Z5LA, 4x4JU, and 4X6FK followed by 4X1VF on 15m, all in the Holyland contest. 15m stayed nicely open and I spoke to RV3BV in Moscow and K0DK, Dick in Denver.
On day #107 I had contacts with RL3A, Slava, UV5QL, Alex and RM5D, Andy on 15m.
Finishing up this trio of days and on day #108 I had a QSO with OH8KVA, Blomster in Finland on 20m.