This weekend was the CQ World-Wide WPX CW Contest, the second largest CW contest of the year and I decided to give away a few points and perhaps try and pick up some new DXCC entities on the way. I’m still not fully proficient at Morse so this was never going to be a serious entry […]
Month: May 2012
Amateur radio on the beach
Tuesday night is club night for the Martello Tower Group. On the first two Tuesdays of each month we operate in the RSGB 144MHz and 432MHz UKAC contests from the roof of the Martello Tower and for the rest of the Tuesdays in the month we go to a nearby pub for conversation and a glass or two […]
It was thirty years ago today….
…. that I sat the RAE. Monday 17th May, 1982. In those days the examination was run by City And Guilds and consisted of two papers, the first one was Licensing conditions and Transmitter Interference and the second was Operating Practises, Procedures and Theory and one had to get at least PASS grade in both […]
Replacing my Cushcraft MA-5B with a G3TXQ Broadband Hexbeam
I’ve mentioned a couple of times recently that I’d ordered a replacement aerial and it was delivered on Friday. I bought a G3TXQ designed Broadband Hexbeam, from Ant, MW0JXE. Ant manufactures these on demand and so therefore there’s a waiting list, it took around six weeks from order to delivery but it was well worth […]
Working the 7O6T DXpedition to Socotra Island, Yemen
It was just over a week ago that I started seeing tweets and mentions on blog posts of an upcoming DXpedition to Socotra Island, Yemen. My interest was piqued because I’d noticed Yemen when looking at the DXCC Most Wanted List at ClubLog. I checked the list and noticed that Yemen is shown at number […]
Statistics – April 2012
April started badly for me because I managed to melt my Cushcraft MA-5B on the first day of the month while operating the ‘AFD Contest’, Ironic really as it was an April Fools Day joke which backfired when the aerial went pop! However it’s been a good month apart from that. I’ve worked a nice […]