I’ve never been one for morning TV but quite often, before I go to work in the morning, I’ll switch the wireless on and work a few stations using FT8. This morning I tuned to 17m, pointed the aerial towards Europe and started calling CQ. It took a few shouts before an EA4 (thanks Antonio) […]
Category: FT8
200 DXCC entities worked on 17m FT8
A tip for adjusting the Pwr slider in WSJT-X
I’ve been using WSJT-X for a very long time, since it was called JT65-HF and one thing I’ve always found a little tricky was making fine adjustments to the Pwr control slider. I often want to make small adjustments and I’ve found that clicking on the slider itself can cause much larger adjustments than required. […]
That’s N5J in the log for DXCC #304
I’ve worked 300 DXCC entities
Review of 2022
QSOs made: 2,022DXCC entities worked: 141New DXCC entities worked: 4Total DXCC worked and confirmed: 286 Solar cycle 25 is really starting to ramp up now and this is demonstrated clearly by the fact that for the first time in many years, the country I’ve worked the most is the USA with 436 QSOs. Unsurprisingly, 15m is […]
QSO365 #3 is complete – Ten QSOs per day in 2021
I’ll kick off with the statistics for the whole of 2021 and then go into the details. QSOs made: 8,265Unique QSOs made: 5,776Average QSOs per day: 22.6Days missed: 0 <- This is the most important statistic, it means that QSO365 #3 was a success. DXCC entities worked: 168New DXCC entities worked: 1Total DXCC worked and […]