Month: July 2021

I have a new amplifier (again)

Acom 1500

In my last post, I said that I’d be replacing the broken Expert with a valve amplifier and I’ve done just that. I now have an Acom 1500 sitting on the shelf in my shack. There simply wasn’t enough room on my desk to fit the amplifier and the Kenwood TS-890 so I had to […]

I no longer have a new amplifier but I do have a new radio.


I posted only a short while ago that I’d bought myself a new amplifier but unfortunately it didn’t last long. I’d had it for less than a month when without warning, it failed. I’d made a couple of QSOs on 15m, switched to 17m and worked someone there and then QSYd to 40m where I […]

Ferrite, ferrite. All the cores.


Ferrite, ferrite everywhere! I wanted some more ferrite so decided to order them in bulk and get a known type, rather than pick up the odd unknown versions at a rally somewhere. Behold, twenty large and twenty small cores, all mix 31 and delivered today from Farnell.