Back in June 2011 I put up a horizontal delta loop for 40m and I wrote about it at some length here. Since then, I’ve made a few changes to my aerial for the lower bands, experimented with an off-centre fed dipole, a resonant dipole for 40m and a doublet fed through my SGC smartuner before […]
Month: January 2013
The results of the OK DX RTTY contest 2012
On the 15th December I took part in the OK DX RTTY contest and I blogged about it here. Yesterday I was pointed at the results by OK1RIG and I have to say that this has to be one of the fastest sets of contest results I’ve seen so that’s great work by the Czech […]
The UK DX BPSK63 2013 contest
Last weekend I was pleased to take part in the UK DX BPSK63 contest – This contest was RTTY in 2012 but has changed to PSK63 this year. I generally prefer operating RTTY to PSK but there’s no doubt that PSK63 is quicker than RTTY and more stations will fit into the available bandwidth. This […]
QSLing – Is this in the spirit of Amateur Radio?
In April last year I made two QSOs with a group of people on a DXpedition to an African country, this was a new DXCC to me and after the trip I looked up the callsign on where it listed a QSL manager. I checked that callsign on and it confirmed that he […]
Amplifier broken? Aerial broken? Coax broken? What?
On 29th December I attempted to have a go in the World Wide Iron Ham contest. I wasn’t planning on a big entry but was just going to run for a couple of hours to have a break from the Christmas festivities. I fired everything up as usual but when I started transmitting, my Acom 1000 displayed […]
Statistics and look back at 2012
To start with, here are the statistics for 2012, this includes QSOs made using G6NHU and GO6NHU. QSOs made: 10,078 Unique QSOs made: 5,531 DXCC entities worked in 2012: 223 New DXCC entities worked in 2012: 75 Total DXCC worked: 237 Using ClubLog I can break the stats down into three different modes. Using VQLog […]
Statistics – December 2012
I’m back above the corresponding months figure from last year with nearly 800 QSOs in the log for December. I only managed to work one new DXCC entity this month, that was the ZL9HR DXpedition to Campbell Island. I did have one QSO on 20m using SSTV which is a mode that I last used […]