Category: Rally

The Ipswich Rally and new elements on my Hexbeam, it’s good to be back on the air

It’s surprising how just a few days without being able to play radio can affect someone.  I was up unusually bright and early this morning and off to Ipswich for the East Suffolk Wireless Revival 2012 (Ipswich Rally) where I met up with a few friends for breakfast before heading into the rally. Unfortunately the rally […]

The Kempton Park Rally

Today was the day of the Kempton Park Rally, this is a rally I’ve not been to before but I wanted to pick up a couple of bits so I thought it was worth while attending.  I also hoped to meet up with a few people I’ve been twittering with for the last six months […]

Days 35, 36 and 37 – A great ‘radio’ weekend

Day #35 was Friday and after work I had a quick word with Andy, IZ1MHQ on 40m.  Later that evening I had a tune around on 80m and heard a really strong signal coming from HE3OM in Switzerland.  It was a club station and I worked them and discovered that they were operating from Sottens […]