I created the Martello Tower Group Twitter account almost exactly three years ago on the 18th April 2010. The plan was to use that account alongside my existing account and post information about the group, things we were doing and other group related updates. It’s grown to more than that though and now the account […]
Category: Twitter
Days 361, 362 and 363 – Some nice DX and just what is this ROS thing?
I started day #361 in what’s become the usual way, I had two 40m JT65 QSOs, working DK6AN and DG6AOY before switching to 15m SSB and talking with LZ1ND, Ted and 5V7MA in Togo. I then spoke to HS0ZGQ, Joe in Thailand on 10m. After that I worked I2OHO, Luciano and RA3GS on 20m followed […]
Days 358, 359 and 360 – It’s Christmas!
Day #358 was Christmas Eve and so I had some QSOs first thing in the morning before I went off to hook up with the other members of the Martello Tower Group at the local cafe for a late breakfast before heading over to Coastal Communications for the traditional Christmas Eve nibbles. I first worked […]
Days 225, 226 and 227 – An unexpected new DXCC
I had one QSO on day #225, I worked IZ5GST, Steve on 40m. 40m was my mainstay earlier in the year but the summer doldrums are making it quite tricky at times on the band right now. Conditions will change rapidly and one moment I’ll be waiting for someone to finish a QSO and before […]
Days 133, 134 and 135 – I’ve got a new logbook
I had three QSOs on day #133, I worked KA1ERL, Russell in Rhode Island on 20m JT65 and then switched to SSB and spoke to IR0LJ, Emilio. Later I changed to 40m where I had a nice long chat with Steve, M1ACB in Ipswich. Steve is a member of Camb-Hams and we had a talk […]
QSO365 has a Twitter account
Currently I post all my updates via Twitter using the account of the Martello Tower Group but I thought that perhaps the QSO365 project should have an account of its own so I’ve created one. Over on the right of the page you’ll see a blue button that says “Follow me on Twitter”. If you […]