I’ve worked 300 DXCC entities

It’s been a while since I posted any updates here, not because I’ve got nothing to say but because I’ve been busy working on the station and playing radio. My new aerial is up but I’m not going to say anything about that now, that’s for a future update.

I’ve had a good year so far, I’ve managed to work 14 New DXCC entities in 2023 taking me to a total of 300 entities worked (and confirmed), the highest number of new ones I’ve worked in a year since 2013. Solar cycle 25 is giving great conditions and there have been many DXPeditions.

The new ones I’ve worked are:

Crozet Island – FT8WW – 15m FT8 on 11th February 2023
United Nations HQ – 4U1UN – 17m FT8 on 20th February 2023
Norfolk Island – VK9DX – 12m FT8 on 25th February 2023
Niue – E6CI – 17m CW on 7th April 2023
Willis Island – VK9WX – 17m FT8 on 9th April 2023
Timor Leste – 4W1A – 12m CW on 12th April 2023
South Cook Islands – E51CIK – 20m FT8 on 13th April 2023
American Samoa – KH8W – 20m CW on 28th May 2023
Central Kiribati – T31TT – 17m FT8 on 3rd June 2023
Wallis & Futuna Islands – FW1JG – 17m FT8 on 11th June 2023
North Cook Islands – E51JAN – 15m FT8 on 25th October 2023
Vanuatu – YJ0TT – 20m FT8 on 30th October 2023
Marquesas Islands – TX7L – 20m FT8 on 15th November 2023
Trindade and Martim Vaz Island – PR0T – 12m FT8 on 17th November 2023

Many of these have just been single slots, I don’t think it’s fair to chase multiple slots on different bands when there are a lot of people trying to get All Time New Ones. I don’t want to be the cause of someone missing an ATNO, simply because I’m chasing additional slots.

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