Category: DXCC-17m-FT8

200 DXCC entities worked on 17m FT8

In 2017 I set myself a little mini challenge to work 100 DXCC entities on 17m FT8 and when I started, I described FT8 as a new mode. In 2017 it really was a new mode and I wonder who could have predicted back then how big it would become. I reached 100 entities in […]

150 DXCC entities worked on 17m FT8

Map of stations worked on 17m using FT8

Wow! That’s taken a while. Back in August 2017 I set myself a challenge to work DXCC on 17m using just FT8. At the time, I described it as ‘the new FT8 mode’ and it really was in its infancy back then. I completed that challenge in March 2018 and then quietly set myself another […]

Statistics for the first quarter of 2018

Breakdown of QSOs made during the first quarter of 2018 using G6NHU and M7P

I’ve had a good first quarter of 2018, partly helped because I dropped the legs of my OCFD towards the end of last year, cable tied my smartuner to the bottom of the mast and put up an inverted L which gave me access to the lower bands.  It works better than my old doublet […]

17m FT8 DXCC challenge is complete

My 17m challenge to work 100 separate DXCC entities using only FT8 is complete.  I expected it to take a lot longer than a mere seven months.  I don’t have them all confirmed but that wasn’t part of the challenge – I just wanted to work them. In the last few days I’ve worked Hong […]

Update on my 17m FT8 DXCC challenge

My last update on this challenge was back in October and I did very little towards it until the New Year.  Since the last time I posted about this, I’ve worked an extra 27 DXCC entities on 17m using just FT8 taking me up to my current total of 77 entities worked. This brings my […]

DXCC on 17m using FT8 – Fifty entities worked so far

My challenge to work DXCC on 17m using FT8 is coming along nicely – I’ve now worked fifty separate entities as follows. Although I’m not going to go out of my way to get them confirmed because Logbook of The World and the DXCC award system doesn’t differentiate between different data modes, it’s good to […]

A new challenge – DXCC on 17m using FT8

It’s been a while since I set myself a challenge and so it’s time for a new one. Despite my initial misgivings, I’ve decided that I do actually quite enjoy operating FT8. I’m attempting to work DXCC on 17m using the new FT8 data mode.  Considering that in nearly 1,000 QSOs using JT65, I’ve only […]