Month: January 2025

Working JA via long path grey-line propagation on 17m.

I’ve never been one for morning TV but quite often, before I go to work in the morning, I’ll switch the wireless on and work a few stations using FT8. This morning I tuned to 17m, pointed the aerial towards Europe and started calling CQ. It took a few shouts before an EA4 (thanks Antonio) […]

100 QSOs to work 100 DXCC entities

On the 1st January 2025, I renamed my wsjtx_log.adi file and told JT-Bridge to only show me QSOs from 2025, effectively meaning that every station I heard using WSJT-X was flagged as new. After I’d made a few QSOs, I wondered how long it would take to work 100 DXCC entities. After I’d been operating […]