Category: HF

Amateur radio picture of the week

FT8 key down

Over the weekend I was operating in the World Wide Digi DX contest and I wondered if I could get a screen capture of my TS-890 just as I started transmission. I reached over and as the radio went into transmit, I hit the screen capture button and this is the result. As you can […]

Being in the right place at the right time

G6NHU works 5I3B on 20m FT8

I happened to look at my emails and noticed that someone had posted to an email reflector I’m a member of that 5I3W (Tanzania) was on 20m SSB. The post had been made just a few minutes earlier so I switched on the wireless and tuned to the appropriate frequency. I was just in time […]

Entering the Batavia FT8 contest

Map of stations worked during the Batavia FT8 contest 2021

Oh this is going to bring the haters to the fore! Not only is it an 48 hour contest but it’s a 48 hour contest using FT8. Mind you, as it’s FT8, it only takes up a few kHz of the spectrum in an area that’s not used for SSB or CW so it shouldn’t […]

I have a new amplifier (again)

Acom 1500

In my last post, I said that I’d be replacing the broken Expert with a valve amplifier and I’ve done just that. I now have an Acom 1500 sitting on the shelf in my shack. There simply wasn’t enough room on my desk to fit the amplifier and the Kenwood TS-890 so I had to […]

Some equipment changes – I’ve got a new amplifier

SPE Expert 1.5K-FA at G6NHU

Long term readers will remember that in November 2011 I bought myself an Acom 1000 amplifier and that really was a super piece of equipment. It served me faultlessly and worked without any issues whatsoever. It alerted me a few times to aerial faults but just soldiered on and on and on. Over time, there […]

150 DXCC entities worked on 17m FT8

Map of stations worked on 17m using FT8

Wow! That’s taken a while. Back in August 2017 I set myself a challenge to work DXCC on 17m using just FT8. At the time, I described it as ‘the new FT8 mode’ and it really was in its infancy back then. I completed that challenge in March 2018 and then quietly set myself another […]

Hexbeam is fixed, DXCC 2021 and general updates

Yaesu FTM-300DE monitoring the QSO365 YSFReflector

I posted back in January to say that the 17m element on my Hexbeam had snapped in the storms and was causing problems. It took over three months before everything came together to allow me to get the mast down and repair it but I managed it last weekend, just in time for the CQ […]

RSGB HF awards – More shack wallpaper

RSGB HF Commonwealth Century Award

Towards the end of last year, my attention was drawn to the RSGB HF awards and I realised that I probably qualified to apply for some of them. I downloaded the check sheets for the IARU Region 1 Award and the Commonwealth Century Award and over the course of the next couple of evenings, I […]

I’ve had a busy January

There’s been lots going on in my life throughout January but that hasn’t stopped me playing radio – I’ve made a point of sitting in the shack for a few minutes every day just to take my mind off of other things and as a result, I’ve managed nearly 550 QSOs so far working 73 […]

CQ WW SSB 2020

CQ WW SSB 2020 final score for G9D

Last weekend was the biggest SSB radio contest of the year, CQ WW and I decided to put in an entry. I expected things to be slow going because we’re pretty much still at the bottom of the solar cycle. I was pleasantly surprised. Both 20m and 15m were full from bottom to top and […]