I’ve run a bit more data over these three days than I have for a while largely because my mind has been preoccupied with the plans for a big move at work and it’s easier to throw the wireless on and have a data contact than it is to actually speak to someone! I’m a few days behind on updating the blog so next time I will have more to report about the move.
On day #222 I worked Giovanni, CT9/IZ2DPX on 15m and then I had a couple of PSK31 contacts on 17m, first working UX7QV, Vladislav and then UA3QJJ, Victor.
On day #223 I first spoke to SP5G/FF, Robert on 40m and then moved back to 17m PSK31 to work US5MGJ, Valeriy.
Day #224 saw another two QSOs, both using JT65. First of all I worked N3CAL, Calvin on 20m and then I thought I’d try calling CQ on 17m using the same mode. After a few calls I was pleased to see a trace on my screen which decoded as KC2STA, Daniel.