Day #331 started off with some QSOs on 12m, I worked EA9IB, Pedro, EK6TA, Hovik, EW6DX, Igor and SV2HTI, Ilias. After that I spoke to WV4X, Don and IZ0VXL, Federico on 15m before going back to 12m to talk to YO3RU.
I then had my eighth QSO of the year using Morse code. I worked ZD8N on Ascension Island on 15m. ZD8N is operated by Steve, G3ZVW who is a member of the same contest group as me and if his callsign is familiar, that’s because he writes the Sport Radio column in RadCom every month. It wasn’t the best QSO ever, we simply exchanged callsigns and zones as the contact was during the CQWW CW contest but it was a valid QSO. Later in the evening I had a natter with some friends on 40m, 2E0SQL, Peter, M0MJH, Mark and G8NWC, Graham.
I had just two contacts on day #332. I first worked W1AW which is the station at the ARRL HQ in Hartford, CT. I’ve not heard W1AW on before so it was good to hear and work the station which was operated by Mike. After that I had a sked with Jonathan, G0DVJ who was on St. Lucia for CQWW CW and so operating as J6/G0DVJ for a new DXCC.
Finally for this update I had a couple of QSOs on day #333, speaking to VE3DBP, Gord on 15m and then working KP4ED, Luis using JT65 on 40m.