Yesterday Yan, M0YNK and Tony, G0MBA came to my QTH for a short while. I’d previously mentioned that the two shackles we’d used as a pulley really weren’t suitable and so it was time to add a proper pulley. We lowered the mast, fitted the new pulley and then raised the mast back up.
This time, I had a willing helper who pointed a camera at the mast as it was raised so I’m pleased to be able to show how easy it is to winch the mast back up again.
You can click to view the video directly on YouTube and choose to watch it in 1080p HD if you want. There’s only one thing left to do on the mast now and that’s to fit some kind of quick release mechanism on the front restraining bracket. At the moment someone has to climb a ladder and manually release a couple of bolts, I’d like to be able to do it from the ground.