I’m keen to continue posting the monthly statistics posts so I can keep a track of how things are going and so that I can compare against last years figures. I’ve made over double the number of QSOs in January this year compared to 2011 and I’m slowly getting more countries confirmed on LoTW. My short term goals are to complete my DXCC on 10m and I’m just waiting for a few QSL cards back to achieve that and I have just four more US States to work in order to complete my Worked All States award. See my qrz.com page for details and if you’re in one of the States I need, please consider contacting me for a sked, I’ll really appreciate it.
QSOs made: 466
DXCC entities worked: 62
New DXCC entities worked: 1
Total DXCC worked: 163
Total DXCC confirmed on LoTW: 120