At the beginning of each month, I take a look at the contest calendar and get a rough idea of what I’m going to take part in, whether I’m just going to give away some points or whether I’m going to make a serious entry. The data contests attract my attention more than any others and after a quick look at the rules of the OK DX RTTY contest I decided that I’d try and make a serious entry. I like contests with single band sections and this fit the bill nicely. Multipliers are listed as DXCC entities and OK stations. I know I can work OK from here easily and so I was looking forward to this contest.
I chose 15m for my entry. I like 15m, it’s pretty much my favourite band and because of the time of year, I knew that I could operate all day and a while either side of sunrise/sunset and not take up the entire weekend.
I was on the air just after 07:00z this morning, the first reply to my first CQ was a ZS6 station in South Africa, things were looking good!
The morning was steady with not a massive number of QSOs but I did work some nice countries – ZL, VK, HL1, JA, BY, 4L1. BV, 9M2, A61 and HS0 were all soon in the log. Soon after lunchtime I turned the aerial westward and by the end of the day I’d worked PU, CE, KP2, LU, HI8. YV, HC2 and OA6 along with plenty of north Americans ending up with 347 QSOs.
Here’s a map of most of the stations I worked – You can click on it for a much larger version.
I had a slight mishap which took me off air for around twenty minutes but apart from that, I was in the shack until the band died for me just before 18:00z.
I worked 51 DXCC entities and was a little disappointed that I only picked up seven OK stations for extra multipliers. I’d hoped to do more than that but my overall score is respectable enough although it won’t be a winning one. The analysis of my log can be seen here.