I’ve recently made some updates to this site to make things better for my readers.
Firstly, there’s a new “Subscribe” button up in the top right hand corner so you can receive email updates whenever I make a new post. Simply enter your email address and hit the “Subscribe” button. You can also subscribe to comments as well so if you make a comment on any entry, you will automatically receive replies. This is a nice feature which I’ve found very useful on other sites.
Next, I’ve changed the method used to share posts – At the bottom of each post there are new buttons to share the item to Twitter, Facebook, Google+ (does anyone still use this?), WhatsApp, email and a few others. Each post also now has a “Like” button. If you enjoy what you read, please share it.
Finally, there’s now a Mobile theme for this site which should make things easier to read on Smartphones. If you prefer the full site then there’s a link at the bottom of each page to switch to the Desktop version.
These are the main changes that you’ll notice but there have been other tweaks behind the scenes which should make for smoother reading.