Oh this is going to bring the haters to the fore! Not only is it an 48 hour contest but it’s a 48 hour contest using FT8. Mind you, as it’s FT8, it only takes up a few kHz of the spectrum in an area that’s not used for SSB or CW so it shouldn’t […]
Category: Data
I have a new amplifier (again)
150 DXCC entities worked on 17m FT8
Hexbeam is fixed, DXCC 2021 and general updates
I’ve had a busy January
There’s been lots going on in my life throughout January but that hasn’t stopped me playing radio – I’ve made a point of sitting in the shack for a few minutes every day just to take my mind off of other things and as a result, I’ve managed nearly 550 QSOs so far working 73 […]
I’ve successfully worked DXCC on 30m
Digital audio noise on receive when using WIRES-X
Back in February, I bought myself a Yaesu FTM-100DE with the intent to use it connected to a PC for WIRES-X. In the meantime, I’ve been using it to talk to friends via a YSFReflector and I wrote about how to build a Yaesu System Fusion reflector on this site here. When I finally got […]
UTC clock for macOS
How to set up a Yaesu System Fusion reflector (YSFReflector)
NOTE – 22nd April 2023I have provided a new version of install.sh, if you have had problems with a ysfreflector.ini error, please start the install again from the first ‘sudo wget’ command. Over the last four or five years I’ve been a regular user of two digital voice modes, D-STAR and DMR. I don’t particularly […]