** image has been updated as of 21/04/2018 to resolve the problems some people had booting their Pi ** Note: 27/02/2022 I am no longer seeding either of the two source files via BitTorrent. The compressed version is available via SourceForge, is not corrupted and will still work if you can decompress it. Other people may be seeding […]
Tag: Gateway
MB7UIV is back
A little history In January 2000 I started running the first licensed APRS Internet gateway in the UK originally with the callsign GB7UIV. Within a week of experiments starting on the 26th January 2000, the gateway was on air and connected to the internet 24/7 except for periods when the connection dropped out and the […]
Setting up an APRS RX only iGate using a Raspberry Pi, RTL-SDR dongle and a pre-built image
After my previous post, it was suggested that an easier way to set up a receive only APRS iGate would be to provide a pre-built image which only needs slight tweaking to go live. That seemed like a good idea to me so I’ve prepared an image that just requires a handful of configuration changes which I will […]
A guide to setting up an APRS receive only iGate using a Raspberry Pi and an RTL-SDR dongle
** This is now outdated, I recommend the pre-built image from here rather than following these instructions. I can not support this method any more ** I originally bought a Raspberry Pi back in October 2012 but as I didn’t have a specific purpose in mind for it, I quickly sold it again. A few […]