Every Saturday I take a drive to Frinton-on-Sea to stock up on bread for the week. I’d done the shopping and was just getting back into the car when my phone pinged at me to tell me I had a new email. I glanced at it and saw that it was a DX-Sherlock warning of tropo conditions on 144MHz. This often happens and I find it’s a false warning but something made me check the DXCluster only to find a number of UK stations reporting QSOs into northern Spain.
So I dashed home and slapped the wireless on, just in time to hear…. nothing!
I’ve kept an ear to the radio all day today, especially while I was building my 30m QRSS kit and although the cluster has been reporting decent QSOs being made on and off, I’ve heard nothing.
A short while ago I noticed on Twitter that Tim, G4VXE was listening to EA1MX in IN73xk on 144MHz so I tuned up to 144.305 and there he was calling CQ with a good solid 55 signal. I called him and received 55 back so that’s a nice QSO in the logbook and a new square.
Talking of squares, since I became active again in May 2009 I’ve now worked 79 squares and 19 countries which I’m very pleased with.