Not many QSOs during these days but that’s not too surprising as my shack really is decimated with no computers, a bare minimum of an Internet connection through a dodgy router and a borrowed radio balanced on top of my old broken radio.
On day #185 I spoke to PA/ON4IPA, Martin on 40m, on day #186 I worked SV1JDZ, Panos on 20m. I had a QSO with YT7DQ, Keki on 10m on day #187 and then on day #188 I worked SG7A, Henrik on 40m. I had two contacts on day #189, EC1KR, Jesus on 10m followed by UY2UA, Vladimir on 20m.
This week I had two visits from the insurance company. A loss adjuster came on Monday but openly admitted to me that my claim was far beyond his technical abilities and that he’d have to appoint a third party company to visit me and test the equipment I claimed was faulty. This was arranged for Thursday morning and someone arrived. I was expecting someone with a load of test equipment to check Ethernet ports, cables etc but the only test gear he had was for Portable Appliance Testing which of course, in my situation was a waste of time!
In the end all he did was to make a list of all the items I was claiming for along with taking photographs of everything that he could report back. He did list the items as faulty though so that was good. He advised me to call the insurance company early next week to chase. As it happened, I called them on my way to work after he’d been and they estimated 4-5 days to get his report and a further 4-5 days for them to action it. I’ve already supplied them with a quote for the amateur radio equipment and a quote to re-do my Ethernet cabling which is damaged.
It looks as though the best I can hope for is some more info towards the middle of next week and I’ll post again here with more details as I have them. I’m hoping that the claim will now go through with no glitches as after two visits and complete lists of items damaged it should now be just a case of working out figures for replacement items. I’m at the stage where I just want to be able to start rebuilding my shack and get the family computer replaced.