I had one QSO on both days #209 and 210, I worked DL5MBY, Ulli on 20m RTTY and TP50CE, Francis on 40m respectively.
Days #211 and #212 were the Islands On The Air (IOTA) contest and this is an annual event that is very popular. I had sort of hoped to be operating from GU land for it but my plans didn’t come together and so I had a play at home. Before the contest started I worked DA0CW/P on 40m and then it all went a bit crazy on the bands.
I’m not going to list every person I worked during IOTA but suffice it to say that by dropping in and out throughout the two days I managed 155 QSOs, all by operating Search and Pounce. I worked one new DXCC, that being J45K on Dodecanese and I thoroughly enjoyed the weekend.
It was really good to use my new TS-590S during the contest and it came through with flying colours. The close in filtering was a real boon as the bands were very crowded and a number of times I had to wind the DSP in very tight to be able to work a station and I can’t praise it enough. The receiver performance is far in excess of my previous radio and I’m happy that I made the right decision in buying the TS-590S as a replacement wireless.
Good to work you along with other recognisable callsigns. Pity you couldn’t get down to GU/MU with us, there’s always next year!
(Part of MU0HTJ team)
Yes, was good to hear you on the air although you couldn’t make it to join the team.
We’ve got lots of ideas and hopefully there will be more planning time for the next event.
73 de Jimmy M0TZO
(Part of the MU0HTJ Hamtests IOTA team)