Days 231, 232 and 233 – RTTY!

There was a Sporadic E opening on 6m on day #231 and so I was pleased to work HA3LI, Ali, IZ5EME, Marco, IW4AOT, Peter, IK4ASR, Davide and IZ3SQW, Mirko using just my homebrew indoor half wave dipole.  I then switched over to 40m and spoke to GP3ZPE/P, Paul on Guernsey and then worked a couple of Lighthouse stations, ON4OS, EG1TDH and GB5HL.

Day #232 started very early with my first contacts being shortly after midnight when I worked K1LPS, Lawrence and WH6IO, Robert on 30m JT65.   Later in the morning I worked four more Lighthouse stations, PA6LH, Age, GB8SL, Pete, ON6WL/P, Bill and GB2WLH, David.  In the afternoon I had another couple of QSOs on 6m when I worked LA5YJ, Hugo and LA0FA, Mat.   In the evening I had three QSOs on 15m JT65 working SQ8KEZ, Janusz, KC9NBV, Chuck and WD4GBW, Jaac.  Much later, I was tuning around the bottom end of 40m and heard lots of RTTY so I fired up fldigi and discovered some contest going on.  Never one to pass up a chance to work some data I piled in and worked SP6GCU, 9A7R, DH6BH, PA1NL, IW2MXY, UN1L, RG9A, LA8PDA and K4GMH.  I then moved to 20m and worked the following: HK1T (Colombia, a new DXCC for me), K4MGE, VE7CC, I2DJX, UA6CE, FM5CD, N2BJ, N2WK, KS0AA, IZ5DKJ, S51MA and K4GMH.  All these RTTY contacts were using just 30 watts.

On day #233 I first spoke to TM36ZOO on 40m followed by GB4HLH, Kevin at the Harwich Lighthouses so very close to me.  Needless to say, he was a big signal!  After that I had a few more 20m RTTY QSOs working UR5WCQ, OH0Z, IK5FKF, SV2BFN and K1SFA.  To round up the day I spoke to MM5AHO/MM, Geoff who was moored up near another lighthouse.  This is the first ever /MM station I’ve worked so I was quite happy about this.


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