After my entry a few days ago, I’ve made a video of my Hans Summers Ultimate 3S transmitter going through all four modes in a single ten minute frame. It’s annotated with comments along the way describing what’s happening at every stage.
Tag: homebrew
Running four QRPp modes in a ten minute frame
Over the last month or so I’ve been doing some experimenting using a newly built Hans Summers Ultimate 3S transmitter fitted with the new oven controlled crystal oscillator and I’m now running four different modes in a single ten minute frame with space at the end for a calibration cycle. You should note that to […]
Testing my dummy load
Back in August last year I built a dummy load out of a bunch of resistors, a paint tin and some oil. I said at the time that it seems to work fine on HF but not so well on VHF. After I used the load last weekend to test my aerial, I thought perhaps […]
Building a dummy load
Days 231, 232 and 233 – RTTY!
There was a Sporadic E opening on 6m on day #231 and so I was pleased to work HA3LI, Ali, IZ5EME, Marco, IW4AOT, Peter, IK4ASR, Davide and IZ3SQW, Mirko using just my homebrew indoor half wave dipole. I then switched over to 40m and spoke to GP3ZPE/P, Paul on Guernsey and then worked a couple […]