My new Alimast from Aerial-Parts of Colchester tilts over using a pivot system and so the ground anchor consists of two pivot pins mounted in the ground. These two pins have been linked together for ease of securing in concrete and to add a little extra resistance against pulling out of the ground. Here you can see the two pivot pins with a piece of angle ali holding them together, attached to the end of the mast. Note that they’re sitting 180 degrees out for the purpose of the picture, the pins would normally be below the ground.
After a week spent thinking about the two utility pipes that were visible in the hole we dug last weekend it was decided that we’d cover them back up in mud and move my mast further away from the wall. None of us were really confident or happy to sleeve the pipes so it was a simple matter to cover them back up and extend the hole further out.
Once that was done, the pile of rubble and earth were dumped in the skip I’d hired. I had some other stuff to dispose of as well and it turns out that I ordered exactly the right size skip as over the course of the weekend we filled it right up to the top.
It was a good job it was covered, the rain did come in torrents. We had a massive thunderstorm and it rained for the best part of a couple of hours. This morning I’ve removed the cover and taken the supporting poles and wood away. Unfortunately because it wasn’t possible to float under the wood or the poles, I’m left with a base which isn’t perfect over the entire surface and at one place the covering must have touched the top surface but none of that really matters. I’m very happy with what I’ve got here. it’s still damp outside and I’m sure the colour will become more even as it all dries out.
Over the next week I hope to be able to assemble the rest of the Alimast sections and then the next stage will be to get the bracket built for the side of the house and a winch and pulley organised. The project is moving along nicely and I don’t see it being many more weeks until everything is complete.
Once again, I extend my thanks to (in no particular order) Colin, M1EAK, Chris, M6GSD and Yan, M0YNK for their assistance this weekend. The whole job went really quickly and I think that everything was done within three hours or so, thanks guys.
I’ve just had a look and it’s already drying out nicely and the colour is becoming more even. I’ve stood the base section of the Alimast in position to get an idea of how it’s going to look. I like it, the XYL isn’t quite so sure though!
looking good keith be nice to see it all complete speak later chris
WOW great work looks good,
Nice photo report Keith. Looking fine. I had a Alu mast like yours in the nineties but sold it after I bought a versatower. It’s lightweigted until you have the antennas mounted…..
By the way, I like your car number plates. 73, Bas