I started off on day #307 working TU2T on 10m followed by CN2DX, Andre and then PJ5/SP6IXF, Janusz in St. Eustatius & Saba for a new DXCC. I then spoke to FG5DH, Christian in Guadeloupe for another new DXCC entity.
I then worked TU2T twice more, on 12m and 17m. I’ve said before that I don’t really appreciate it when people work DXPeditions on multiple bands/modes as I’ve always felt that they’re taking up time that could be used by other people but I think that my opinion may have changed on this as it was quite a buzz looking for the new bands that TU2T were operating on.
I then worked XV1X, Eddy in Vietnam on 10m for another new DXCC followed by YN7SU, Gunnar, ET3AA, Dag and A92GR, Mohamed for three more new DXCCs, Nicaragua, Ethiopia and Bahrain respectively, taking me up to a total of six new entities for the day. I then had a quick chat with Tony, G0MBA/M on 10m and in the evening I finished off by working W4RIG, Hank on 20m PSK31.
On day #308 I started off the day having two QSOs on 15m PSK31, I worked RA0CFA, Gennady and LZ1685PDB, Alex. I then moved to 12m SSB and spoke to SV3JZT, Thomas. After that I jumped down to 40m and spoke to Henri, ON7FF who was operating from Ypres to commemorate Flanders Field. I then had a few JT65 QSOs, firstly on 10m I worked PY8ELO and SM0MEM before switching to 15m and working three Japanese stations, JJ4CDW, JA4GOC and JG1FKT. Later in the afternoon I worked two more new DXCC entities, A41KJ in Oman and PJ7X in St. Maarten. That means that I’ve now got all the new Netherlands Antilles entities logged.