All QSOs over this five day period were on 40m using JT65 and the pattern is the same all the way through with one or two contacts early morning between 06:15 and 06:30 and then maybe one more at least twelve hours later after work.
Day #353
KJ4QXC, Dan and UA1ZFL, Vladimir.
Day #354
W2BT, William and KJ4FEC, Andrew.
Day #355
W0JG, Jack and N7BPA, Jackie in the morning and then a few more that evening. F5SYQ, KA1ERL, PY3ED, F6CEE and W5ADD.
Day #356
W0KIT, Douglas, IZ0MIO, Armando and IK4UXA, Stefano.
Day #357
SP5USL, Mario, UX1LU, Igor and IK2GXE, Guiseppe.