Category: Data

A detailed look at three different methods of operating the low power WSPR mode

Hans Summers Ultimate 3S transmitter

There seems to have been an upsurge in people operating WSPR recently.  Barely a day goes by (sometimes barely an hour) without someone posting a map of where their signals have been received on Twitter.  When I first started experimenting with WSPR and QRSS some years ago, I did exactly the same. I’m quite sure […]

A new challenge – DXCC on 17m using FT8

It’s been a while since I set myself a challenge and so it’s time for a new one. Despite my initial misgivings, I’ve decided that I do actually quite enjoy operating FT8. I’m attempting to work DXCC on 17m using the new FT8 data mode.  Considering that in nearly 1,000 QSOs using JT65, I’ve only […]

Installing a new external ADS-B receiver

External ADS-B receiver using a Raspberry Pi and Poe to power it

Not long after my last post on this subject, back in January, the preamp I had mounted in the box at the top of 30ft of pole strapped to the side of my house failed and I was forced to removed that particular ADS-B aircraft tracker.  I still had my loft unit running and working […]

FT8 – The latest data mode

I’ve posted a lot about the low power, low signal modes, JT65 and JT9 in the past and now there’s a new kid on the block. This one is called FT8 which stands for ‘Franke and Taylor, 8-FSK modulation’, developed by Steven Franke (K9AN) and Joe Taylor (K1JT). The biggest change from the slow, plodding […]

What can be achieved in twelve hours of 20m JT65/JT9?

WSPR is great, I enjoy running WSPR and seeing how far I can transmit using very low power but there are a couple of drawbacks.  I appreciate this will sound as though I’m knocking WSPR but trust me, I’m really not. Firstly, it’s not a QSO mode.  I accept that many years ago, some QSOs were […]

Returning to data modes after an enforced break

Home brew interface for data modes using two audio isolation transformers

My shack computer is an Apple iMac.  For a few years, I’ve operated a lot of data modes and been very successful in data contests.  I’ve always enjoyed data modes and in 2012 I operated GO6NHU to celebrate the London 2012 Olympics exclusively using data. Back in 2015, Apple released a new operating system called El Capitan and […]

MB7UIV is back

A little history In January 2000 I started running the first licensed APRS Internet gateway in the UK originally with the callsign GB7UIV.  Within a week of experiments starting on the 26th January 2000, the gateway was on air and connected to the internet 24/7 except for periods when the connection dropped out and the […]

Setting up an APRS RX only iGate using a Raspberry Pi, RTL-SDR dongle and a pre-built image

After my previous post, it was suggested that an easier way to set up a receive only APRS iGate would be to provide a pre-built image which only needs slight tweaking to go live.  That seemed like a good idea to me so I’ve prepared an image that just requires a handful of configuration changes which I will […]

A guide to setting up an APRS receive only iGate using a Raspberry Pi and an RTL-SDR dongle

** This is now outdated, I recommend the pre-built image from here rather than following these instructions.  I can not support this method any more ** I originally bought a Raspberry Pi back in October 2012 but as I didn’t have a specific purpose in mind for it, I quickly sold it again.  A few […]

ADS-B setups – Comparing internal and external aerials

Following on from my last update, I’ve spent a fair bit of time experimenting with two very different ADS-B aerial configurations.  I have two Raspberry Pi3s, both running identical software and exactly the same receivers, the FlightAware Pro Stick Plus which is a version of the RTL-SDR dongle with a built in preamplifier and bandpass filter. […]