I had one contact on day #216, I spoke to I2BEO, Julio on 40m.
I doubled that on day #217 when I had two QSOs, firstly I spoke to ER1SS, Vlad on 6m and then I had a quick word with Braco, E77DX on 10m.
Day #218 saw a few more QSOs though. I started off by working F5LBR, Michel using PSK31 on 20m followed by 9A04JB, Mike on 17m using RTTY. After that it was time for the European HF Championship as organised by the Slovenia Contest Club. This varied a little from many of the contests because the exchange was a little unusual. Instead of a serial number or a region code the exchange consisted of two digits which signified the year the operator received their first amateur radio licence so in my case my exchange was 82.
I made around 90 QSOs during this contest, all bar three were using the search and pounce method. I enjoyed operating in it, the exchange was unusual enough to make things feel a little different. It didn’t seem quite as rushed as other contests I’ve operated in so perhaps that helped a little.