I have been emailed details of a new RTTY contest which will run for the first time this year on Friday 4th October 2024. It’s scheduled for the first Friday of October each year going forward.
It’s called the URC DX RTTY Contest and the rules are pretty standard in that everyone works everyone. The exchange is a three letter territory code with a list available on their website.
I was surprised to see a contest being arranged for a Friday so I think activity will be lower than normal than it is for weekend contests. If I were available on that day, I’d certainly make an entry. Unfortunately I won’t be around so I won’t be able to join in but I urge anyone who is about to at least have a go and give away a few points. I still enjoy RTTY and data contesting so I was pleased to hear about this.
This also seems like a good time to link to a post I made some years ago about the anatomy of a contest QSO and how to set macros for data contests because it’s just as valid now as it was then.
I wish the UK DX RTTY Contest well and I hope it’s a popular event.
For more details, see here.